Before we get caught up in making goals and New Year resolutions, I wanted to stop and remember some of the good things of 2018. There are 5 things I’m happy I did in 2018.
The other day I woke up in the middle of the night thinking of all of the things I’m happy that I did this last year. Some beginnings and some endings, quite a few tears but also lots of laughter to balance it all out; it is all part of this wonderful adventure we call life.
As we spin around laughing and enjoying all of the beauty God created for us, never knowing when this ride will end, we have to make sure we are thanking the One who made it all possible, our wonderful, Almighty God.
Here are 5 things I am thankful I did.
1. I set goals at the beginning of the year.
Is it Biblical to set goals or plan for the New Year? Well, like anything else it’s important to seek wisdom and knowledge from God. He says to present your requests to Him and to make your plans known to Him then He will make your plans succeed.
It’s always a good idea to sit down with God and pray over the New Year. Listen to His wisdom and guidance and be obedient. I wrote all of mine down and recently reviewed my goals from 2018.
Amazingly, God helped me to see His guidance to accomplish those goals and all of the ways He answered my prayers. I love when He does that. What a gift it is to see His fingerprints all over my life.
Psalm 20:4
May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God
2. I Kept Up With My Journaling.
Anyone who knows me, knows I am a journaling fanatic. I LOVE to write out my prayers and thoughts about scripture. God has spoken to me over and over through His word. Sometimes, it takes going back and reviewing to remember all He has said and done. My journals are treasures I am so grateful for and glad I kept up with.
1 Sam. 3:21
…and there he revealed himself…through his word.
3. I stood firm on God’s promises.
There were times when I felt discouraged and defeated but I remembered all of the promises God has made to me through His word.
He calls us Chosen, Free, Forgiven, His Treasure, and Beloved. There is nothing that any man can do to us that doesn’t go through His fingers first because we are held tightly in His hand. We are the apple of His eye and we have nothing to fear.
Fear is a liar and we have to know and stand on the promises of God to overcome the lies whispered in our ears constantly in this world. It is a game changer when anxiety tries to stop you in your tracks. I just call to mind what my Father says about me and I can stand against any army!
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.
4. I loved intentionally.
This one is a tough one because…well…of course we love people. It just comes naturally, right? What I am talking about is being intentional in loving. It is a term my oldest daughter uses often and tries to do. When she used this expression, it made me slow down and give it some thought. Do I love intentionally?
So, this last year I put that to the test. I set aside time each week to love intentionally. I either wrote a note, made a phone call, or scheduled a time to meet with someone God would put on my heart after praying.
Slowing down and loving on someone intentionally each week with no other goal than to make them feel loved is something that takes thought because you are giving up something precious, time. But guess what? When you are intentional to love, God returns that love back to you ten fold. Do you love people like that? Be honest, think about it.
5. I put my family first
Again, this might seem like a no brainer but sometimes we get so caught up in the business of life the ones we love the most are the ones that suffer. I don’t mean before God, but before everything else that sucks away time.
The time has to come from somewhere and the easiest place to take from is from the ones that will love us no matter what.
However, time is short and goes by quicker than you think. Slow down and make time for your peeps. Do something that they love to do without any devices or Internet involved. Spend time with your family.
Even good works like ministry, athletics, music lessons, or any extracurricular activity can take you away from the most important people in life. We have to set boundaries for our families.
There is an expression that says, “The good is always at war with what is best.” Make sure you aren’t settling for just plain old “good”. Go for God’s BEST for your life and your people.
Say “NO” to what some might consider to be good and stay home with the best – your family, more often. It is amazing how healing it can be.
Well, there you have it. I gave you 5 things I’m happy I did in 2018.
How about you?
Tell me some things you are happy you did in 2018. I want to know you.
Brag a little…I really do care and want to hear from you. Leave a comment below and tell me something awesome about 2018 and give God some praise!
Have a Blessed and Happy 2019!
I love you my friend,

I’m glad that I grew so compassionately in God’s love this year! I never usually make goals but this year I have and I’m being intentional about achieving them! Happy New Year Shawna! 😘😘😘
Thanks for stopping by. I’m praying for you and your blog this year. I know you will reach many with your passion for Christ. Love ya sister.
Your words are so refreshing. Now I’m inspired to set goals for 2019! Thank you!
Thanks Mandy. I’m working on that too. Have a blessed New Year!
I won’t list a name. The hardest thing I did was take care of someone that should be easy to love but isn’t. God carried me thru it because I certainly couldn’t have done it without him. I intentionally love them even though it’s not easy. I remind myself often that everything in life is not about me. I know i’m not easy to love but God loves me anyway and even gave his son for me. The Bible teaches us to love as he loves us. It’s hard at times but they are worth it.
You showed that person the unconditional love of Christ. God will bless you because of that. I hope your 2019 is much better. Be blessed sweet friend. Love, Shawna