Are you battle weary? Are you weary of the fighting and division in our world? I am. We are in a Spiritual battle like no other. Here are 3 meanings of weary in Galatians 6:9.
Galatians 6:9 New International Version (NIV)
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Are you battle weary? Here are 3 meanings of weary in Galatians 6:9.
There are three definitions of the word “weary” in Galatians 6:9 which in the original language is the Greek word, “ekkakeo”.
To be utterly spiritless or to fail in heart
To be wearied out or faint
Definiton of battle fatigue:
n a type of mental disorder, characterized by anxiety, depression, and loss of motivation, caused by the stress of active warfare…

Our battle is not against flesh and blood as the world would have us believe.
This war we are in is not about a virus, race, the police, masks, or even an election. It is as old as Satan himself.
The enemy wants us distracted and divided so we don’t realize what he is trying to do. He came to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).
Our enemy is deceptive. In fact, the Bible says he is the father of lies (John 8:44). Isn’t that exactly what is happening lately? Truth is hard to find. There is constant noise but it is all a distraction. The war is for our hearts and minds.
In Jan. 2019, I wrote a post about the voice of the enemy called, “5 Ways to Know He’s Not the Right One for You”. A sermon I heard from John 10 inspired the post. The pastor gave 5 key ways to recognize the difference in Jesus’ voice from the enemy’s to help us discern truth from lies.
God gave us weapons to fight against the deception, lies, and despair that is so prevalent in our world now. The Spiritual armor God provided is more necessary now than ever.
You can read about our Spiritual armor in Ephesians 6:10-20.
Recently, a friend from church had melanoma on the top of his head. As I prayed for him, God brought to mind Ephesians 6:17. God gave us protection for our head called the “helmet of salvation”.
The head wound my friend experienced made me question how “our Helmet of Salvation” protects us.

What exactly is the helmet of salvation and why is it important in battle? Why does God intentionally cover our heads?
Did you notice the definition of battle fatigue above? It is a “mental disorder caused by the stress of active warfare”.
Sounds like a head wound to me.
God is intentional in covering our head with the Hope of our Salvation in Christ so we won’t DOUBT His promises when the enemy tries to inject worry, anxiety, weariness, and worldly ideas of despair into our minds.
Did you get that? Our helmet of Salvation protects us from DOUBT or lack of faith in Who is really in control. It protects us from fear…which is a lack of faith.
On, the commentaries said, “the head is the seat of the mind” and when the Gospel of truth, the hope of eternal life, invades our minds there is no place for false doctrine to invade it or give way to Satan’s temptation to despair and depression.
Lately, our enemy has kept our focus on the constant oppression of virus statistics, division, riots, chaos, worry, rumors of war, and turmoil, not to mention the seclusion of quarantine.
He wants us to forget that God is still Sovereign and in control. Satan very much does not want us to remember God’s promises or the hope we have in Christ. You may remember, I wrote a post a while back about how to use the Joy of the Lord to fight.
Do not think for one minute Satan doesn’t realize our joy in the Lord is a weapon against him? Singing praises to God is a weapon, also, but that is a whole other post.
The enemy’s scheme is to control our minds so he can control our hearts. Then, we lose our joy, hope, and peace and that leads to despair and defeat.
Our helmet of Salvation, protects us as we enter into this battlefield of the mind. The enemy deals harsh blows that can be fatal if we do not prepare. He wants to keep us busy nursing our own “head wounds” of anxiety, depression, and fear. His scheme is to keep us self-focused and not focused on spreading the Gospel of hope to others.
That is why we have to take up or put on the Helmet of Salvation every day.
Prepare as a soldier. Train your mind like you would any other muscle. Do you understand the Gospel? Can you put it into words to share it with someone else? Why did Jesus die on the cross? How does that save you and me? Truly, think about it.
Sit down and pray through it. Search scripture, read what God says about Jesus for yourself. Make sure you fully understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Tell someone else who Jesus is and why God did what He did for you.
When I taught children, we urged them to tell what Jesus did for them with their own mouths in their own words. The Gospel literally means, “the Good News” of Jesus Christ. We would have them write in their Bible and date it so they would not question their salvation later on.
As I write this, it is the day the USA celebrates our freedom as a nation. We may not always have the freedom to write and speak of having a relationship with God through faith in Christ Jesus. Don’t take this freedom for granted.
Are you battle weary? Here are 3 meanings of weary in Galatians 6:9.
- To be utterly spiritless or to fail in heart
- To be wearied out or faint
- Exhausted
Don’t give up!
Take it up the Gospel for yourself. Don’t depend on someone else’s understanding. It won’t be their head wound the enemy will use to hurt you, it will be your own.
Here are a few verses to read and meditate on. Pick up your Bible and make it your own. If you are not familiar with your Bible, that’s ok. We all had to start somewhere. I remember the day I picked mine up for the first time. I’ve never turned back.

Use your table of contents at the front to look these verses up. Pray through them, memorize them, teach them to your children.
Romans 2:23
Romans 3:23
Eph. 2:8-9
Romans 5:8-9
Ephesians 6:18 then goes on to another weapon, prayer.
When I get beaten down and discouraged, I go into my prayer room and get on my face in prayer. Then I reread the promises God has given me to remind me who He is and whose I am. Prayer is such an awesome gift. There is amazing power in prayer.
Ephesians 6:18 New International Version (NIV)
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Pray, put on your helmet of salvation and pray. Guard your thoughts. God is still Sovereign. God wins.
Let God soothe your battle weary soul.
Galatians 6:9 New International Version (NIV)
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Put on your helmet of Salvation to guard your mind from battle fatigue. We will reap a harvest if we don’t give up!
Psalm 27:13 New International Version (NIV)
13 I remain confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
I’m praying for you my friend. Please pray for open doors for God’s word to reach those who need Him so desperately. This blog reaches people all over the world. I pray God will use His word to change hearts and heal the hurting. God is still in control.
Great post, Shawna. Uplifting and full of encouragement through God’s word, which is something we all need, now and every day.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Kim. The world is crazy but God is still God. Nothing can touch us that He doesn’t allow and use for our good and His glory. I love you sister. Thanks for your sweet words. Shawna
Thank you Shawna, keep your posts coming. You are such an inspirational person in my life. ( also—-a good artist). 🥰sue g. XOXO
Thank you sweet Sue. You are always so encouraging. I love you so. 😘 Shawna
My Sister Friend,
I appreciate reading the way God directs you from weary to victory!
Dive into His Word and Pray.
Rise up and Encourage Others.
Wow! Great summary. Glad you can put down the red pen and just enjoy. Lol. The writing must go on or “the rocks will cry out”. I love you so and continue to pray for you. 😘 Shawna