Confession time, I am not ok. I had a major meltdown the week after Easter. As a Christian, we know God is in control and because we know this, we are to be bold and courageous in all circumstances. Right? However, what if discouragement and sadness overwhelm us during this corona virus thing? Is it ok if we’re not ok?
During Easter, because of “social distancing” none of us were supposed to be out and meeting together.
Christian churches couldn’t even meet to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On top of that, we couldn’t get together with family and friends to share a meal and fellowship.

Is it ok if we’re not ok?
It is all so sad to me. Like everyone else, I wanted desperately to be with my kids and my new grand baby for Easter. (You can read about the birth of my little love HERE.) Also, we wanted to celebrate my youngest daughter’s birthday as a family.
As we walk through this pandemic, we all try to figure out how to stop the spread of Covid-19 and still be family. This applies to our church family as well.
After Easter, I couldn’t stop crying.
I cried all night and into the next day. The tears wouldn’t stop. Depression has never been a problem for me. It is just not my nature. However, the pain was uncontrollable. My soul cries out to God for understanding. I’ve spent my mornings in prayer, reflection, and in God’s word and still my heart aches.
We all feel the pain in some way or another. This virus has left no one in the world untouched.
(Except maybe Sonic, Sonic is doing great business with their drive in restaurant…Sonic is happiness for me right now.)

Covid-19 is an equal opportunity destroyer. Something this big and spread so worldwide can only be God working.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t believe God caused the virus but you can bet your bottom dollar He will use it for our good.(Rom. 8:28) If God is working to bring people to repentance and salvation (and I believe He is), then should we pray for him to stop?
Of course, we all want it to end, but how do we pray during the Corona virus?

Our world is broken. It has become very dark and so blatantly evil. If you watch TV, you see it is over the top against God and His precepts.
I heard someone say the other day, “if God allows this world to continue the way we are going, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah”.
God will not give His glory to another, (Isaiah 42:8) and He will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7) However, because of His mercy and grace, God is allowing time for our world to repent and turn to Him.
Asking God to end our own temporary suffering is self-focused and not God centered.
Oswald Chambers wrote in My Utmost for His Highest, “when you begin to see a person in the middle of a difficult and painful struggle, don’t try to prevent it, but pray that his difficulty will grow even ten times stronger, until no power on earth or in hell could hold him away from Jesus Christ.”
He goes on to say, “Over and over again, we try to be amateur providences in someone’s life. We are indeed amateurs, coming in and actually preventing God’s will and saying, “This person should not have to experience this difficulty.” Instead of being friends of the Bridegroom, our sympathy gets in the way”.
Here is the part that Oswald Chambers wrote that really struck me…
“One day that person will say to us, “You are a thief; you stole my desire to follow Jesus, and because of you I lost sight of Him.”
Wow! Are we actually hurting people who don’t know Christ when we ask God to take away their suffering when it might ultimately lead them to Him? Now, there’s a thinker!
All that to say, instead of asking God to end the virus, I’ve been praying Jesus’ prayer from Matthew 6:5-13.
Jesus said to pray, “Thy will be done”. Whenever I’m tempted to ask God to end this virus, I remember Jesus’ words and pray for God’s will to be done, not mine. God is unwilling that any should perish.
2 Peter 3:9 New International Version (NIV)
9 …He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Knowing all of this, is it ok to be discouraged and sad? Is it ok to not be ok?
After Easter, while I plummeted into my abyss of self-pity and tears, my husband had praise and worship music playing in the kitchen. I walked in and We Are Messengers was singing a song called, “Maybe It’s Ok”. You can hear it HERE.
God spoke to me through this song.
These are the lyrics to “Maybe It’s Ok”:
“If I didn’t know what it hurt like to be broken
Then how would I know what it feels like to be whole
If I didn’t know what it cost like to be rejected
Then I wouldn’t know that Your love coming home
(Chorus)Maybe it’s ok if I’m not ok
‘Cause the One who holds the world is holding onto me
Maybe it’s all right if I’m not all right
‘Cause the One who holds the stars is holding my whole life
If I didn’t know what it looks like to be dirty
Then I wouldn’t know what it feels like to be clean
And if all of my shame hadn’t drove me to hide in the shadows
Then I wouldn’t know the beauty of being free
Father, let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done
Here in my heart as in Heaven
Father, let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done
Here in my heart as in Heaven, oh!
Now I’m alive in You
The best that I deserved
Now I’m alive and I can see You in everything
Maybe it’s ok if I’m not ok”
God knows we are not ok right now but He is still holding us.
You see, our world was never ok. We live in a broken world and we had become ok with that.
It’s important to remember His promises now. We belong to Him. We are His Beloved. Jesus said, He would never leave us (Matt. 28:20) Jesus never promised we would be ok in this world. In fact, He said just the opposite.
John 16:33 New Living Translation (NLT)
33 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
Before We Are Messengers sang, “Maybe it’s ok, if you’re not ok”, Jesus said it. He said we will have trouble and sorrow.
This world is not our home.
We are all struggling and no one can end the virus but God in His time. Jesus knew we would have a hard time in this world that is why He left us the Holy Spirit as our comforter.

Maybe it’s ok if we’re not ok because this world is not ok.
If we didn’t know what it felt like to be broken, how would we know what it feels like to be whole?
Pray for His Kingdom come and His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven so that those who need Christ will be made alive before it’s too late and those of us that know Him can grow and learn from Him.
What are you learning through this? How are your growing spiritually? What is God showing you?
Before the Corona virus our world’s normal was abnormal to God. We don’t want to go back to “normal”. We were not ok.
Maybe it’s ok if we’re not ok.
God has a bigger plan for us than just ok. Trust Him. He has never failed us and won’t start now.
I am praying for you. We all need prayer. It is hard now but take heart, Jesus has already defeated the corona virus, He is on the other side of it wait for you, and He is walking through it with you holding you.
Hold on tight the best is yet to come!
Love you guys,

Love love this. You have really encouraged me! Miss you Shawna!
I miss you too sweet Sue! Hope you are all well. I love you. Shawna
Thank you for sharing this! ❤️
Sometimes I don’t have a choice. God won’t let me sleep til I write. Lol. I love you my sweet Mandy. Shawna
So comforting, and thought provoking. Your best yet. Everyone needs to read this.
Love you Shawna!
Thank you sweet Connie. I needed this encouragement. This one could be controversial. I love and miss you darlin’. Shawna
He has given you a truly amazing gift. What a blessing that you share your gift with us!
While reading this, a note a friend sent to me came to mind and I want to share it with you…
The Latin root of the word “quarantine” is “forty”.
So what does the Bible say about 40?
The flood lasted 40 days.
40 years Moses fled Egypt.
40 days Moses stayed on Mount Sinai to receive the Commandments.
Exodus lasted 40 years.
Jesus fasted for 40 days.
Lent is 40 days.
40 days for a woman to rest after giving birth.
A group of theologians thinks the number 40 represents “change”. It is the time of preparing a person, or people, to make a fundamental change.
Something will happen after these 40 days. Just believe and pray. Remember, whenever the number 40 appears in the Bible, there is a “change”.
Please know that during this “quarantine” rivers are cleaning up, vegetation is growing, the air is becoming cleaner because of less pollution, there is less theft and murder, healing is happening, and most importantly, people are turning to Christ. The Earth is at rest for the first time in many years and hearts are truly transforming.
So, during this time, enjoy it with your loved ones and return to the family altar together. Family prayer is a great blessing. Through prayer you will see the changes God can work in you and in your home. Christ promises us that everything works together for the good for those who love God: Romans 8:28!
Remember we are in the year 2020, and 20 + 20 = 40.
Also, 2020 is the year of the United States Census. Jesus Christ, the savior of the world, was born during a census.
Lastly, 2020 is perfect vision. May our sight focus on the Lord and living according to His perfect vision for us knowing He holds us in the palm of His hand.
May these days of “quarantine” bring spiritual liberation to our souls, our nation, and our world.
The best is yet to come.
Trust in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
Such good words. Isn’t God amazing. Thanks for sharing. I love you little friend, Shawna
Thank you, Sister Friend, for listening to the Comforter and Consolation of our souls.
The Refiner is at work!! It’s okay to holler OUCH!
We’re all looking for encouragement. Getting real about the struggles we’re all experiencing is so heart-to-heart encouraging. It’s like a hug.
Sandy, you’ve always had such beautiful words. Thank you. Hope you are staying well. I love you, Shawna