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How to Save Yourself From Your Words

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Our words can be so destructive.  We can hurt ourselves by self talk.  How can we save ourselves from our words?

The importance of blessing in the Bible and the power of our words is something I’ve learned as I’ve grown older. A pastor loaned me a book recently called The Miracle and Power of Blessing by Maurice Berquist.  It is about Psalm 103.

Psalm 103:1-3 (NLT)

Let all that I am praise the Lord;
    with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.
Let all that I am praise the Lord;
    may I never forget the good things he does for me.
He forgives all my sins
    and heals all my diseases.

This little book made me stop and think about my words and the importance of blessings in the Bible and whether I ever just bless God for who He is and not just for what He does.

Don’t get me wrong, I praise Him for ALL that He does because I am so truly thankful for my salvation through my faith is Jesus Christ but lately I have become intentional about blessing Him with my words as well as my life.

Blessing through my words

Blessings through my words should also be extended to myself and others.

As a woman, a very short woman I might add, I have tended in the past to be critical of myself and my appearance.  It upsets my husband when I criticize myself because I am talking hateful about the woman he loves and cherishes.  He wouldn’t let anyone else talk that way about me and he doesn’t like me to do it.  However, I have to admit guilt in doing that and have to catch myself daily.

God doesn’t like it when we have destructive self-talk either.  I am basically saying what He created and gifted me with isn’t good enough.  God made me realize the power of our words on ourselves, others, and Him.

Take every thought captive

2 Corinthians 10:5 B says that we have to “take every thought captive”.  If you stop and listen to people, you will hear the anxiety, worry and stress that is so prevalent these days.  People want so desparately to be heard and known.  We need to make a point to hear people.

One of my favorite verses is Matthew 20:32 “Jesus stopped…”

We don’t stop and listen enough but that is for another blog post.  Let’s get back to blessings.  I think maybe if we could take those angry, self deprecating, and anxious thoughts captive and replace them with blessings instead of curses maybe God could use the power of those blessings to renew our minds and bring healing.  It has to start somewhere.

Just a thought, maybe if we weren’t so critical of ourselves then possibly others might learn through our blessing words.  Instead of looking at ourselves and seeing the wrinkles, lines and (let’s just say it), cellulite…ugh!  We use our words to bless ourselves and God for the gift of a healthy body.  Our bodies that carried babies, ran a million errands, cooked a bajillion meals, cleaned the house more times than we want to count, bent down to scrub floors, and wiped too many noses and bottoms without complaining or causing (much) pain or problems.

In fact, we basically take our bodies for granted but they keep on working without ever a thought.

Maybe we don’t have “six pack” abs, sculpted arms, a wrinkle free face, or gorgeous legs or…wait… where was I going with this? Oh yeah, the importance of blessings not negative thoughts…Anyway, I’m sure you have strengths and blessings like I do and it’s time we start remembering those things “forget not all of God’s benefits” and “bless the Lord, O my soul”.

What do we tell our kids when someone gives them a gift?… Say thank you!


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This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Tony McDougle

    Oh my goodness!!! I love this!

    1. Shawna Novak

      And I love you!

  2. Christine Davis

    Great read and such an awesome reminder! Can’t wait for your next entry!

    1. Shawna Novak

      Thanks Christine! I have lots of ideas, hopefully God will give me the words.
      Love you,

  3. Connie

    Thank you Shawna! I really needed this message. Something I struggle with daily.

    1. Shawna Novak

      Man, don’t we all!
      Love you,

  4. Brenda Milstead

    I LOVE your blog!!! I’m so proud of you & the gift of expression that God has blessed you with. Keep on inspiring all of us & living a Godly life that blesses Him. I struggle with the same issue….if only I wasn’t so short, “rippled” (def not ripped) lol, but in spite of what I see, Jesus’ blood puts His DNA in me & that’s enough to make me more than enough. Thanks for reminding me to stop criticizing the earthly vessel God has breathed His gift of life into!
    Love, Brenda

    1. Shawna Novak

      Thank you Brenda. You made me laugh (rippled not ripped!) too funny! Thanks for the encouragement!

  5. Cheri Couch

    Thankful God put you in my life. Love ya, Cheri

    1. Shawna Novak

      Awe Cheri! Thank you. Love you, Shawna

  6. Delores

    Excellent my friend! This little blog/devotional will be read at a group class very soon! Praise God and blessings to you!

    1. Shawna Novak

      You are awesome my mighty warrior friend. You go girl! Thank you for your faithfulness and obedience. Love, Shawna

  7. Jane Mabe

    You are such an inspiration. I am so proud of you and the person you are. I love you.
    Aunt Jane

    1. Shawna Novak

      Jane, I praise God for you and all that you do for others without a thought for yourself. You are such a picture of Jesus and sunshine for me. I hope I can be like you if and when I ever grow up! I love you so, Shawna

  8. Rita

    What a perfect reminder of how blessed we are, but how quickly we let ‘life’ take over our thought process! Loved your blog and cannot wait for more👍🏼

    1. Shawna Novak

      Thank you sweet Rita. Glad you found me!
      Love you,

  9. Tracy Bradfield

    Wow, what a beautiful blessing you are, to share this true reminder to us all! Will be reading your blog daily as a reminder to Thank him for who we are!❤️

    1. Shawna Novak

      Thank you for being my best cheerleader! I’m so thankful God is using this to touch others. Love you, Shawna

  10. Lisa

    It looks like you have found your new calling. Love you !!!

    1. Shawna Novak

      I’m sure having fun that’s for sure. 🙂

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