Choosing Joy has been a constant topic. I’ve seen “choose joy” on pillows and T-shirts, on Instagram posts, it has been in the scriptures God has put in front of me lately and it was the topic of my devotion today. What is Joy? What brings you Joy?
Joy is defined as: the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation; a source or cause of keen pleasure or delight; something or someone greatly valued or appreciated; the expression or display of glad feeling; a state of happiness or felicity; the verb means to feel joy; be glad; rejoice.
We are so busy during the day with so many “shoulds” in our lives that we don’t stop to enjoy life sometimes. I don’t know about you but I almost feel guilty doing things that bring me pleasure. I feel like I’m being self centered or selfish to stop and enjoy something.
Especially as a Christian, we are to be serving, sharing the gospel and loving others. I agree that those things are what we are to be doing but when is it ok to stop and do something just because it brings us joy, peace, and rest?
I have a new devotional this year called, “Whispers of Rest” by Bonnie Gray. I’m enjoying it a lot. I would encourage you to check out her book by clicking on this link. It’s amazing how God can speak to you through other Christians. On day 8, the topic was “Choose Joy”.
I opened the book after my personal mediation was on Isaiah 51:11, “the ransomed of the Lord will return…gladness and joy will overtake them”. I had been thinking about how many times God has spoken to me about Joy. Then I opened her book and the topic jumped out at me.
The daily devotion was on John 15:11 New Living Translation (NLT)
11 I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!
I don’t know about you but when I spend time doing something I enjoy like reading, painting, writing, journaling or having coffee with a friend or loved one, I am refreshed and ready to get back to work doing what God has called me to do and to pour that joy out on others.
So, what brings you joy? Do you ever stop to reflect on that? Bonnie Gray challenges us to think back on when you were a child and remember what it was like to play and just experience fun. What did you enjoy doing as a child? That may be longer ago for some of us and harder to remember.
Bonnie Gray has an exercise at the end of Day 8 that encourages you to create a list of your favorites. When you were young what was your favorite place? What was your favorite food? Did you collect things or have a secret hiding place? Was there a game you enjoyed or special songs or music? How did you spend your free time and with whom did you enjoy spending time the most?
Think back on those things. Imagine yourself back in your favorite place or better yet go back there if possible.
Do again the things you loved as a child. Forget the responsibilities, pain, regret, pressure and stress of today and recall fun, be childlike again even if it’s just for a little while.
Try sitting down and writing out a list of things you enjoy and be intentional about finding time to do those things. It’s ok! Jesus wants you to have joy to the full. You are God’s delight. You are His child that He adores. He doesn’t want us to live so stress out.
Carve out some time for Joy this year. Don’t just wear the shirt or buy the pillow with the slogan, do it!
Choose Joy my friend!
In Christ’s love,
PS…As I was mediating on theses verses and writing this post my gray tabby kitty, Smokey aka Monster aka Bubba, was under my feet purring. This was such a beautiful picture of the joy of being at Jesus’ feet. Such a priviledge to be allowed to sit at His feet and spend time with my Jesus. That brought me joy today.
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New Living Translation (NLT)
Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I’m going to sit down and write a list!!
You are one of the things that bring me joy!! I love you girl.